Missing OpenCV-2.4.1/build/lib/*.so:
Hi I am very new to Opencv and were learning this for my computer vision class. I've installed opencv2.4 on both windows and linux and get very similar errors.
On Ubuntu 12.4 - I installed using the link below: http://www.samontab.com/web/2011/06/installing-opencv-2-2-in-ubuntu-11-04/
On windows I installed using this link below: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dgcXYQijV6c&lc=ULGxUQFMUsrWmwKoqAiCptKXYGzYK163Ntohw2LVLco&feature=inbox
On both OS, I get very similar errors when compling the testing code:
On linux I get -
error:/home/openCV-2.4.1/build/lib/.so: No such file or directory
The INCLUDEPATH & LIBS CODE I specified in linux was
INCLUDEPATH += /home/OpenCV-2.4.1/build/include
LIBS += /home/OpenCV-2.4.1/build/lib/.so
On windows I get something very similar (can't exactly remember) error: LIBS += "C:\opencv24\opencv_bin\bin*.dll" No such file or directory.
I've edited your answer a bit. People here are more likely to help if you're polite and kind. Asking for HEEEEEELP does the opposite. Just post your information, as clear as possible. Also check http://answers.opencv.org/question/346/good-questions-and-answers-how-to/ and http://support.google.com/mail/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=143051