Detection and counting cars - OpenCV and C ++
Hi, I'm working on software for vehicle control, I am using OpenCV and C ++ to create the software. for detection of the cars I am using a classifier haarcascade .XML and detects vehicles.
now my problem is in the count, I failed even stable algorithm that accounts cars passing through the streets. you could guide me in this part. please....
Investigating found another way to detect cars in OpenCV and C ++, as are the methods of substraction but equally do not understand how to establish an ROI to detect contarlo..o car and so on. I can create the rectangle over the image but do not understand how to establish a counter in the area
could lead me please
Could you specify what is your exact problem with the counting? Do you need to count cars over a single frame or count unique cars over a certain period of time? What do you consider stable/unstable?
I have to count the cars passing on the street, at first through a haardcascade to detect cars and based on that count, but the XML was not very accurate and had the same car several times, but now I'm using subtraction background and the need to count the number of cars, I read that the background subtraction method and other methods I can set an accountant, but I'm new to this type of programming and do not understand how to do this. I know how to make substración and draw a rectangle over the area you want to tell, but I do not understand how to count
If you know how to draw rectangles over all the wanted moving objects/contours, just count how many rectangles you draw every frame. To be honest I'm still not sure if I've fully understood your problem...
I need to count the number of cars passing
No how to draw rectangles on each object that moves. only static rectangles are drawn. Please could guide me. I like to draw rectangles on cars, or do to count the number of cars passing
google is your friend