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Get [R|t] of two kinnect cameras

asked 2015-07-24 04:16:29 -0600

kovand11 gravatar image

My aim is to determine the correct tranformation between the coordinate systems of two kinnect cameras, based on chessboard patterns. (the base unit would be meter)

I am basicly using stereo_calib.cpp sample. (with the chessboard unit set correctly)

image description

image description

Using 5 pairs, the reprojection error is 3.32.

R: !!opencv-matrix
   rows: 3
   cols: 3
   dt: d
   data: [ -1.2316533437904904e-002, 5.2568656248225909e-001,
       -8.5058917288527658e-001, -5.7551867406562152e-001,
       6.9190195114274877e-001, 4.3594718235883412e-001,
       8.1769588405826155e-001, 4.9489931100219109e-001,
       2.9402059989690299e-001 ]
T: !!opencv-matrix
   rows: 3
   cols: 1
   dt: d
   data: [ 1.2315362401819163e+000, -9.6293867563953039e-001,
       1.5791089847312716e+000 ]

Having a valid point pair, P_k1 = {0.01334677 -0.3134326 2.604} and P_k2 = {-0.9516979 -0.3950531 2.483} the given R and T does not seem to be right.

I am assuming the P_k2 = R*P_k1 + T formula.

Any idea where the error comes from, or how to improve my results?

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answered 2015-07-24 07:37:22 -0600

Eduardo gravatar image

If you use the above images to do the calibration, the chessboard is too far and too small in the image to have a good calibration.

The chessboard must occupy almost all the image and you have to take many pictures with different orientation for the chessboard pattern.

An example of images used for stereo calibration (the whole data set here):

image description

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Asked: 2015-07-24 04:16:29 -0600

Seen: 123 times

Last updated: Jul 24 '15