Per pixel labeling in distanceTransform?
It would be really convenient if this function worked like
cv::distanceTransform(mask, dist, labels, distance_type, 3, DIST_LABEL_PIXEL);
and then within a double for loop on y and x
const int label =<int>(y,x);
const int label_x = label % width;
const int label_y = label / width;
But instead the label is dependent on the non-zero pixels in the mask input (the label only increments when pixels are zero), so I have to manually build up a mapping between labels and pixel coordinates to find out where the labeled pixels actually are- or is there an easier way?
I'd take this to the dev zone but appears to be down.
In my somewhat old git version of opencv disttransform.cpp:
else // it would be nice if DIST_LABEL_PIXEL was here for clarity
int k = 1;
for( int i = 0; i < src->rows; i++ )
const uchar* srcptr = src->data.ptr + src->step*i;
int* labelptr = (int*)(labels->data.ptr + labels->step*i);
for( int j = 0; j < src->cols; j++ )
// it would be nice to get rid of
// this conditional and
// always increment labelptr, but then
// would the icvDistanceTransformEx_5x5_C1R
// be messed up?
if( srcptr[j] == 0 )
labelptr[j] = k++;
icvDistanceTransformEx_5x5_C1R( src->data.ptr, src->step, temp->data.i, temp->step,
dst->data.fl, dst->step, labels->data.i, labels->step, size, _mask );