imshow() and waitKey()
I am truing to show the camfeed into a window using imshow() but it needs waitKey() after each frame. Referred to a few aritcles on web that say highgui requires waitkey() to be called in order to get time to update the window.
Is there a workaround with cpp interface to accomplish this without use of waitKey() ?
have a look at qt ? do you own gui.
static boost::once_flag cv_thread_flag = BOOST_ONCE_INIT; boost::call_once(cv_thread_flag, &cv::startWindowThread);
found this is page here:
don't Understand it.
@berak: I am not using qt for my application. Since everything is on main thread... i think i own the gui.
how's that related to your question ?
all i'm saying is - you don't have to use the highgui api, warts and all.
okay... you want me do my own gui. Actually final application won't be gui based. So i guess i shouldnt be putting much time into it right now. Just wanted to explore options for debugging purpose.
thanks for the help though.
hey, yea. another approach to it.
any way, don't worry too long about highgui's deficiances...
I used wait(1); sleep(3); image stayed around for 3 sec.
ahhh, keghn, nooo ...