Where did SimpleBlobDetection go?
I was using SimpleBlobDetection in 3.x in Java. Then I updated to 4.x and now I can't find it anywhere. FeatureDetector seems to have been replaced by FastFeatureDetector, but I can't find SimpleBlob anywhere.
Thank you
where's the problem, exactly ? https://docs.opencv.org/master/javado...
If I do an import org.opencv.features2d.SimpleBlobDetector;. I get a cannot resolve symbol SimpleBlobDetector. If I were to do a import org.opencv.features2d.MSER; that would work. I also tried importing org.opencv.features2d.Feature2D; org.opencv.features2d.Features2d; org.opencv.features2d.*; Then SimpleBlobDetector detector = new SimpleBlobDetector(); but I still get cannot resolve symbol. I can do it like that with MSER though.