problem with library openCV contrib has no 'face' attribute
I have installed the openCV library contrib however when I want to use the section called face I always get the same error, I have tried with different versions of the library and I check that it contains all the elements of the same one between them "face" but really I have not made it work, I want help, please. the error that I get in python is the following: AttributeError: module 'cv2' has no attribute 'face'
would you be so kind to replace the (useless here) screenshot with a TEXT version of your code & errors so we can quote you properly / it can be indexed for search, etc.? thank you !
also, opencv version ? how did you install that ?
The error that comes out to me already as it specifies it in the part above is this: Tracking (recent calls latest):
File "/home/pi/recognition/", line 10, in <module> recognizer = cv2.face.LBPHFaceRecognizer_create () AttributeError: module 'cv2' has no 'face' attribute
I have a raspberry pi3 and the python version is 3.5. At the moment I am using the operating system and I have version 3.4.0 of openCV contrib installed. download it from here: wget -O unzip This library is installed within python 3.5, as well as it is well installed and in another code is not well, however, when using the "face" does not work I remain attentive to any possible help, in advance.
possible reasons: