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How to resize down an image using every nth pixel?

asked 2018-07-18 01:38:00 -0600

bheek gravatar image

updated 2020-10-11 13:59:43 -0600

So for example i have a 1920 x 1080 image and I want to resize it to 240 x 135 using every 8th pixel? Is that possible without manually accessing and traversing the pixels in the image?

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answered 2018-07-18 02:36:47 -0600

dkurt gravatar image

updated 2018-07-18 02:38:20 -0600

@bheek, you can use the nearest neighbor resize

int scale = 2;  // downscaling factor
int w = 10;     // input width
int h = 8;      // input height

// Fill the input
cv::Mat origin(h, w, CV_32F);
for (int y = 0; y < origin.rows; ++y)
    for (int x = 0; x < origin.cols; ++x)
    {<float>(y, x) = y * origin.cols + x;
std::cout << origin << std::endl;

cv::Mat res;
cv::resize(origin, res, cv::Size(w/scale, h/scale), 0, 0, cv::INTER_NEAREST);
std::cout << res << std::endl;


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its a kind of magic :-)

holger gravatar imageholger ( 2018-07-18 02:41:01 -0600 )edit

thank you so much!

bheek gravatar imagebheek ( 2018-07-18 03:16:02 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2018-07-18 01:38:00 -0600

Seen: 1,289 times

Last updated: Jul 18 '18