How to calibrate two cameras whose field of View is 180 deg apart
I have two cameras which are fixed back to back and they view exactly opposite directions. I need to find the extrinsics between the two cameras. They dont have fish eye lenses. The cameras are two primesense RGBD sensors. I am trying to calibrate the two RGB cameras or two IR cameras in the respective sensors
Options which I could think of (by adding intermediate cameras with overlapping views):
- Multi camera calibration: Bo LI IROS 2013
- Pairwise Stereo calibration with checker board
Ha s anyone solved this problem?
" they view exactly opposite directions" -- it's not, what is usually meant with "stereo", then, you'll probably have to calibrate them seperately (like with a single camera).
do they also have fisheye lenses ?
I need to find the extrinsics between the two cameras. They dont have fish eye lenses. The cameras are two primesense RGBD sensors. I am trying to calibrate the two RGB cameras or two IR cameras in the respective sensors.
^^ that's important information, why didn't you write it in your question... ?
ok. I ll edit it and put it.