how works bruteforcematcher?
Hi. I can't find any information how bf and other matchers works. Can you help?
You can compute the distance between two descriptors according to different metrics (e.g. L2 distance for floating-point descriptors). The smaller the distance, the more similar the matching.
Assuming that you use the bruteforce matcher to match the descriptors from one image (called the "query" image to another image (the "train" image), here is what it does:
For each descriptor of the query image, compute the distance to each descriptor of the train image and keep the smallest one.
See this. It's to find the matches from keypoint descriptions by brute-force comparing the descriptions in the first set to the ones in the second set.
Asked: 2013-07-25 05:25:48 -0600
Seen: 476 times
Last updated: Jul 25 '13