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capture vidio from 2 cameras

asked 2012-12-02 16:03:09 -0600

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Hi OpenCV. I tryed to capture vidio from 2 cameras but only one camera works, and the other one shows a green screen. Please Help Me!

My system:

#include stdafx.h
#include highgui.h
#include stdio.h 
#include dshow.h

int main()
CvCapture* capture1 = cvCaptureFromCAM(CV_CAM_ANY);
CvCapture* capture2 = cvCaptureFromCAM(CV_CAM_ANY);

if ( !capture1 )
fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: capture1 is NULL \n" );
return -1;

if ( !capture2 )
fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: capture2 is NULL \n" );
return -1;

cvNamedWindow( "cam1");
cvNamedWindow( "cam2");

while (1)
IplImage* frame1 = cvQueryFrame( capture1 );
IplImage* frame2 = cvQueryFrame( capture2 );
if ( !frame1 )
fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: frame1 is null...\n" );

if (!frame2 )
fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: frame2 is null...\n" );

cvShowImage( "cam1", frame1 );
cvShowImage( "cam2", frame2 );
if ( (cvWaitKey(10) & 255) == 27 ) break; 
cvReleaseCapture( &capture1 ); 
cvDestroyWindow( "cam1" );
cvReleaseCapture( &capture2 );

cvDestroyWindow( "cam2" );
return 0;
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2 answers

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answered 2012-12-02 16:25:11 -0600

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I think you should use explicit camera index (0, 1) in the place of the two cvCaptureFromCAM(CV_CAM_ANY); calls.

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It isn't works. but thank you :)

shelly gravatar imageshelly ( 2012-12-03 09:54:15 -0600 )edit

You have more ideas?

shelly gravatar imageshelly ( 2012-12-03 10:14:27 -0600 )edit

May be this ( stackoverflow question could help you. It is about checking connected cameras.

rics gravatar imagerics ( 2012-12-04 05:27:03 -0600 )edit

answered 2012-12-03 02:18:14 -0600

this post is marked as community wiki

This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >50 is welcome to improve it.

Had a problem using Ubuntu 12.04, the fix was to put the 2 cams on to 2 different Usb Buses. Maybe this could help under Windows too.

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Thank you! It is working. But when I stop the program, the problem is coming back...

shelly gravatar imageshelly ( 2012-12-03 10:26:30 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2012-12-02 16:03:09 -0600

Seen: 1,168 times

Last updated: Dec 04 '12