Hi, I am trying to convert these lines of matlab code to java using OpenCV 3.1:
- fb = construct_Gabor_filters_PhD(8,5,[a b]);
- downScale = 40;
- feature = filter_image_with_Gabor_bank_PhD(img,fb,downScale);
These PhD functions are from a face recognition toolbox with documentation found here.
Here are the function prototypes:
- construct_Gabor_filters_PhD(norie, nscale, size, fmax, ni, gamma, separation)
- feature vector = filter image with Gabor bank PhD(image, filter bank,down sampling factor)
construct_Gabor_filters_PhD(8,5,[a b]) is returning a filter bank struct four fields: 5x8 cell spatial, 5x8 cell freq, scales which is a double of value 5, orient which is a double of value 8
filter_image_with_Gabor_bank_PhD(img,fb,downScale) is returning a 38400x38400 matrix
Do these functions have corresponding OpenCV functions? Can I mimic what they are doing using OpenCV?