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Line detection and tracking algorithm for autonomous robot.

Hi there!

I am wokring on an autonomous robot which has to run in a lane 2m wide with a yellow line marking the outer boundary and white line marking the inner boundary. What I have thought of is, that I threshold the image to obtain a binary image containing the lines. Then divide that binary image into 2 parts vertically and then find out the non zero pixels in each part, the part with less pixels indicate that that the lane is turning, and hence the robot turns to the side of less pixels.

Problem is with all my opencv+python knowledge I am stuck at the stage where I threshold the image. I don't know how to proceed after that. I tried searching the documentary but I didn't find anything.

So how can I achieve this?


Line detection and tracking algorithm for autonomous robot.

Hi there!

I am wokring on an autonomous robot which has to run in a lane 2m wide with a yellow line marking the outer boundary and white line marking the inner boundary. What I have thought of is, that I threshold the image to obtain a binary image containing the lines. Then divide that binary image into 2 parts vertically and then find out the non zero pixels in each part, the part with less pixels indicate that that the lane is turning, and hence the robot turns to the side of less pixels.

I'm trying to do something like this-

image description

Problem is with all my opencv+python knowledge I am stuck at the stage where I threshold the image. I don't know how to proceed after that. I tried searching the documentary but I didn't find anything.

So how can I achieve this?
