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How to build with opencv and native_app_glue

I have a couple of "fully native" c++ applications (based on the native_activity and android_app infrastructure) that I am trying to add OpenCV capability to. I can get them to compile and link, but when I try to launch them, I get errors in the logcat and an "Unfortunately, NativeActivity has stopped" box on the device (a Nexus 10). The errors are part of the loading/launching process -- I haven't even added any code of my own yet!

Using the OpenCV4Android 2.4.4 beta, I can get tutorials 1 and 2 and the face-detection sample to work. The problem is when I try to add OpenCV libraries to a project that uses native_app_glue. I add the following to my file, after the include $(CLEAR_VARS) line.

#OPENCV_LIB_TYPE:=STATIC # doesn't help, conflicts with png
include c:/ThirdParty/OpenCV/OpenCV-

(The commented-out lines are things that I also tried at some point.) After listing my local_src_files, I have the following before the include $(BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY) line.

LOCAL_LDLIBS    += -landroid -llog -lOpenSLES -lEGL -lGLESv2
LOCAL_LDLIBS += -ldl # have also tried without this

LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES += android_native_app_glue

I have tried many variations on this approach and have also tried it with OpenCV4Android 2.4.3. I get these errors just by trying to link with OpenCV, without even writing any code of my own!

Typical logcat output:

> 02-26 13:33:23.350:
> D/AndroidRuntime(22440): Shutting down
> VM 02-26 13:33:23.350:
> W/dalvikvm(22440): threadid=1: thread
> exiting with uncaught exception
> (group=0x40b58930) 02-26 13:33:23.350:
> E/AndroidRuntime(22440): FATAL
> EXCEPTION: main 02-26 13:33:23.350:
> E/AndroidRuntime(22440):
> java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to
> start activity
> ComponentInfo{com.droidblaster/}:
> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException:
> Unable to load native library:
> /data/app-lib/com.droidblaster-2/
> 02-26 13:33:23.350:
> E/AndroidRuntime(22440):  at
> 02-26 13:33:23.350:
> E/AndroidRuntime(22440):  at

What am I missing? How can I get this to work?