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Retrieving two highest values from vector

Hi people

I have declared a vector that stores an area of all Bounding Boxes in a given frame. I then used a iterated this vector from beginning to end to retrieve value. I then sorted these values in ascending order (lowest -> highest).

Here is the Code i use:

  double area = contourArea(boundingBoxArea);
        sort(list_area.begin(), list_area.end());
        vector<double>::const_iterator area_iter;

        int i = 0;
        for(area_iter = list_area.begin(); area_iter != list_area.end(); area_iter++)
            cout<<"Iterator " <<i<< " size is : " <<*area_iter<<endl;

My issue is that I am only interested in the last two values out of the set of numbers (2 highest values) but I cant really get my head around it to how should i go about it to achieve my goal.

Anyone out here has a suggestion or solution to my problem...?
