Hi, I'm a M.sc. student in Berlin and I want to make a special presentation for a course. Topic will be "living in a monitored city" and I want to embed a videostream showing the audience during the whole presentation.
I looked into different ways to do this, using google Slides, LibreOffice Impress, even webstreaming via google hangout. So far I haven't found a good solution... my newest idea is using OpenCV and python. My plan is this:
- get videostream from webcam
- maybe use face detection to draw rectangles around faces
- using a fixed background and embed video into one corner (<- don't know how to do that, yet...)
- reading content of a presentation from a file (maybe txt?)
- change embedded text with mouse click (using cv2.putText(...))
My question: Is there a better way to archive my goal and is there some kind of presentation framework for python I don't know about?