I would like to port the ORB features extraction process to work on Android. Basically I wont ORBextractor.cc file to work inside RenderScript contex. The process is following
- Camera frame is captured using Android classes.
- Java context: Frame is stored inside a Render Script Allocation, which is set as current input allocation.
- Render Script context: Frame is converted from YUV to RGB color space
- Java context: Current output allocation is set to current input allocation
- Render Script context: Frame is re sized and converted to gray
- Here start ORB features extraction;Java context: Current output allocation is set to current input allocation
- Render Script context: Here is Example ComputePyramid called and calculate all scale levels 8...
ORBextractor.cc can be presented with a call tree like this:
void ORBextractor::operator()
ComputePyramid(image, mask)
- cv::resize - cv::copyMakeBorder- /opencv/modules/ocl/src/imgproc.cpp /opencv/modules/ocl/src/opencl/imgproc_copymakeborder.cl
ComputePyramid is called and calculate all scale levels.
Any help from where I can start or look for some exaples?