Hello Team Member, Can anyone help to validate the test time execution for opencv to read the frame from video. I'm doing comparison with someone else data and found out the data is a bit different. I'm using processor Intel i7-4790 @3.60GHz and 16GB Memory. Using this code to get the test execution. I'm just trying to compare on how other do this and is my result and assumption correct which for reading the frame only will take around 10ms?
Here how I implement the code in the program
double t = (double)getTickCount();
bool bSuccess = cap.read(frame); // read a new frame from video
if (!bSuccess) //if not success, break loop
cout << "Cannot read the frame from video file" << endl;
t = ((double)getTickCount() - t)/getTickFrequency();
std::cout << "Times passed in seconds: " << t << std::endl;
and here is the snippet of the result - and I think the average is @10ms (is this right?) Times passed in seconds: 0.0117758 Times passed in seconds: 0.00500268 Times passed in seconds: 0.0114046 Times passed in seconds: 0.0110537 Times passed in seconds: 0.0152564 Times passed in seconds: 0.0102511 Times passed in seconds: 0.00492798 Times passed in seconds: 0.0109479 Times passed in seconds: 0.0115418 Times passed in seconds: 0.0102865 Times passed in seconds: 0.0124572 Times passed in seconds: 0.00492086 Times passed in seconds: 0.0155164 Times passed in seconds: 0.0100909 Times passed in seconds: 0.0152786 Times passed in seconds: 0.0222282 Times passed in seconds: 0.0128396 Times passed in seconds: 0.0119007 Times passed in seconds: 0.0145368 Times passed in seconds: 0.010985 Times passed in seconds: 0.0101251 Times passed in seconds: 0.00457987 Times passed in seconds: 0.0112319