I don't quite understand why the result of my Gabor filtering implementation is quite different from my reference information. As shown in Figure 8, there are more gray value differences existing in those reference images, while there are only binary values shown in my resulting images. Could anyone give any suggestions to my implementation? Thanks in advance.
The demo of Gabor filtering
The original image
My Gabor filtering implementation (gabor1.jpg) at the orientation 0 degree
My Gabor filtering implementation (gabor2.jpg) at the orientation 45 degree
The code of my Gabor filtering implementation
Mat inImg = imread("C:\\Images\\testch.bmp",0); // read in greyscale
int kernel_size = 3;
double sig = 5, th = 0, lm = 8, gm = 0.02, ps = 0;
vector<Mat> destArray;
double theta[4] ;
Mat temp;
theta[0] = 0;
theta[1] = 45;
theta[2] = 90;
theta[3] = 135;
for (int j = 0; j<4; j++)
Mat kernel1;
Mat dest;
kernel1 = cv::getGaborKernel(cv::Size(kernel_size,kernel_size), sig, theta[j], lm, gm, ps, CV_32F);
filter2D(src_f, dest, CV_32F, kernel1);