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Installing opencv on openshift for java development

I am trying to install opencv on openshift. following the post mentioned here
I am developing in java so i have installed jdk1.8 and apache ant into the $OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR I had to install apache ant also so i did the same again in the $OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR

my JAVA_HOME is set to the jdk and even ANT_HOME is also pointing to the right place,br> JAVA_HOME="$OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR/jdk1.8.0_05"
I am doing a cmake in the end to generate the makefile with the command
cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE -D BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF .. going through the cmake output i do see that for java it has found the ant, jni etc. finally when i execute a

make install

i get the error

make: * No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop. there is no make file generated. what am missing.