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phasecorr behavior

Hello, I'm using phasecorr function from opencv to image registration.

here is my experiments:

for lion img (pure shift)

ImageJ gives (second stack relative to first stack) x= -20 y= -23 R= 0.8126828943265368 (good) phaseCorrelate gives x= 20.19 y= 22.56 (it gives shift first image relative to second image or something wrong?) no hann window x= 20.23 y= 22.43

test template matching for lion and lion head croped at (1,1)

ImageJ gives (second stack relative to first stack) x= 0 y= 1 R= 0.7905318337522524 (failed 1 pix) phaseCorrelate gives x= -0.4 y= -2.45 (not accurate and again opposite direction) no hann window x= -0.88 y= -0.86

same but croped at (18,23)

ImageJ gives (second stack relative to first stack) x= 17 y= 23 R= 0.8119669906973865 (failed 1 pix) phaseCorrelate gives x= -18 y= -23 (good but opposite direction) no hann window x= -18 y= -22.98

test image divided to 2 images with % overlap (no noise, no distortion)

(second stack relative to first stack) x= 744 y= 0 R= 0.9999999999999999 phaseCorrelate gives x= -743.48 y= 0 (opposite direction) no hann window x= -743.49 y= 0

test on real data

ImageJ gives (second stack relative to first stack) x= 878 y= -3 R= 0.9667271264277764 phaseCorrelate gives x= 34.47 y= -35.5 (wrong) no hann window x= 146.32 y= 3.06 (wrong)

opencv 2.4.3(prebuild) code that I used.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <opencv.hpp>

using namespace cv;
using namespace std;

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    Mat im1= imread("1.PNG",0);
    Mat im2= imread("2.PNG",0);

    Mat r1;
    Mat r2;

    Point2d phaseShift;

        int n_cols= max(r1.cols,r2.cols);
        int n_rows= max(r1.rows,r2.rows);

        Mat r1_pad;
        copyMakeBorder(r1,r1_pad,0,n_rows-r1.rows,0,n_cols-r1.cols, BORDER_CONSTANT, Scalar::all(0));
        Mat r2_pad;
        copyMakeBorder(r2,r2_pad,0,n_rows-r2.rows,0,n_cols-r2.cols, BORDER_CONSTANT, Scalar::all(0));

        Mat hann;
        createHanningWindow(hann, r1_pad.size(), CV_64F);
        phaseShift = phaseCorrelate(r1_pad, r2_pad, hann);
        Mat hann;
        createHanningWindow(hann, r1.size(), CV_64F);
        phaseShift = phaseCorrelate(r1, r2, hann);

    return 0;

so the question is there is a bug or I'm doing something wrong?