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Face recognize using OpenCV4Android SDK tutorials ?

Hi everyone, I am a student. Recently I've been building a Face recognize project using opencv but I dont know where to start. I successfully build my Face detection using OpenCv4Android by reading opencv face detection sample. Now I start to build Face recognize part, I read Opencv document and search google for tutorial that I can actually follow but i failed (there lots of tutorial using javacv but I want to use OpenCv4Android instead) :( can anyone help me with the step by step tutorial about what should i do to using face recognize in OpenCV4Android SDK? Big thanks to you. Additional: - I find out about class in opencv/contrib - I find in OpenCV4android folder - I read somewhere and try the method FaceRecognize model = createLBPHFaceRecognizer() ---> but the method createLBPHFaceRecognizer() return error not found. where can i find and use this method? Please help me what I need to do next? A lot of thanks!!!!!

Face recognize using OpenCV4Android SDK tutorials ?

Hi everyone, I am a student. Recently I've been building a Face recognize project using opencv but I dont know where to start. start.

I successfully build my Face detection using OpenCv4Android by reading opencv face detection sample. sample.

Now I start to build Face recognize Face recognize part, I read Opencv document and search google for tutorial that I can actually follow but i failed (there lots of tutorial using javacv but I want to use OpenCv4Android instead) :( :(

can anyone help me with the step by step tutorial about what should i do to using face recognize in OpenCV4Android SDK? Big thanks to you. you.

Additional: - I find out about class in opencv/contrib - I find in OpenCV4android folder - I read somewhere and try the method FaceRecognize model = createLBPHFaceRecognizer() ---> but the method createLBPHFaceRecognizer() return error not found. where can i find and use this method? method?

Please help me what I need to do next? A lot of thanks!!!!!

Face recognize using OpenCV4Android SDK tutorials ?

Hi everyone, I am a student. Recently I've been building a Face recognize project using opencv but I dont know where to start.

I successfully build my Face detection using OpenCv4Android by reading opencv face detection sample.

Now I start to build Face recognize part, I read Opencv document and search google for tutorial that I can actually follow but i failed (there lots of tutorial using javacv but I want to use OpenCv4Android instead) :(

can anyone help me with the step by step tutorial about what should i do to using face recognize in OpenCV4Android SDK? Big thanks to you.

Additional: -

I find out about class in opencv/contrib - opencv/contrib

  • I find in OpenCV4android folder - folder
  • I read somewhere and try the method FaceRecognize model = createLBPHFaceRecognizer() ---> but the method createLBPHFaceRecognizer() return error not found. where can i find and use this method?

Please help me what I need to do next? A lot of thanks!!!!!

Face recognize using OpenCV4Android SDK tutorials ?

Hi everyone, I am a student. Recently I've been building a Face recognize project using opencv but I dont know where to start.

I successfully build my Face detection using OpenCv4Android by reading opencv face detection sample.

Now I start to build Face recognize part, I read Opencv document and search google for tutorial that I can actually follow but i failed (there lots of tutorial using javacv but I want to use OpenCv4Android instead) :(

can anyone help me with the step by step tutorial about what should i do to using face recognize in OpenCV4Android SDK? Big thanks to you.


  • I find out about class in opencv/contrib

    • I find in OpenCV4android folder
    • I read somewhere and try the method FaceRecognize model = createLBPHFaceRecognizer() ---> but the method createLBPHFaceRecognizer() return error not found. where can i find and use this method?

    Please help me what I need to do next? A lot of thanks!!!!!

Face recognize using OpenCV4Android SDK tutorials ?

Hi everyone, I am a student. Recently I've been building a Face recognize project using opencv but I dont know where to start.

I successfully build my Face detection using OpenCv4Android by reading opencv face detection sample.

Now I start to build Face recognize (using LBPH algorithm) part, I read Opencv document and search google for tutorial that I can actually follow but i failed (there lots of tutorial using javacv but I want to use OpenCv4Android instead) :(

can anyone help me with the step by step tutorial about what should i do to using face recognize in OpenCV4Android SDK? Big thanks to you.


  • I find out about class in opencv/contrib
  • I find in OpenCV4android folder
  • I read somewhere and try the method FaceRecognize model = createLBPHFaceRecognizer() ---> but the method createLBPHFaceRecognizer() return error not found. where can i find and use this method?

Please help me what I need to do next? A lot of thanks!!!!!