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Will difference in RGB between the iOS and Android, for the same image used opencv algo?

There is a difference in rgb's of ios and android for the same image, will it be there like that or the algo is behaviouring like that.

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updated 2014-06-24 06:02:33 -0600

berak gravatar image

Will difference in RGB between the iOS and Android, for the same image used opencv algo?

There is a difference in rgb's of ios and android for the same image, will it be there like that or the algo is behaviouring like that.

Will difference in RGB between the iOS and Android, for the same image used opencv algo?

There is a difference in rgb's Wrote an opencv algo which handles the subtask of returning RGB and tried to integrate with ios and android. The RGB of ios and android for the same image, will it be there like that or the algo is behaviouring like that.are differing with a small delta value.

Will difference in RGB between Same image is inputted to the iOS opencv-ios and Android, for the same image used opencv algo?opencv-android on different desktops to process. RGB's are differing, why?

Wrote an opencv algo which handles the subtask of returning RGB and tried to integrate with ios and android. The RGB of ios and android are differing with a small delta value.