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OpenCV with CUDA support usable without CUDA?

Hi there!

I've just compiled openCV with Cuda and OpenCL support. Now we have another version (2.4.6) running, which was compiled withoud cuda and openCL support. I would like to replace the older binaries with the new ones.

Now I have the problem/question: Can I "deliver" the binaries (2.4.7) that were compiled with cuda support, without any problems instead of the old (2.4.6) binaries (that were compiled without cuda etc.)? Or do they have any dependencies that could lead into problems?

Thank you for your help!


click to hide/show revision 2

OpenCV with CUDA support usable without CUDA?

Hi there!

I've just compiled openCV with Cuda and OpenCL support. Now we have another version (2.4.6) running, which was compiled withoud cuda and openCL support. I would like to replace the older binaries with the new ones.

Now I have the problem/question: Can I "deliver" the binaries (2.4.7) that were compiled with cuda support, without any problems instead of the old (2.4.6) binaries (that were compiled without cuda etc.)? Or do they have any dependencies that could lead into problems?

Thank you for your help!
