I have a simple stupid question :)
We're using a CascadeClassifier to load LBP models (I say we cause I don't code the core, but it impacts me ;)). We use the method detectMultiScale.
I made some tests to check charge, cpu & memory load, etc on our application, and I noticed something: let's imagine we have a lots of model (1000 or more :D)
I can load them and keep them in a list/vector whatever, memory's ok.
Then, with a sample image, for each classifier I call the detectMultiScale method : the memory grows up very very quickly . But if delete the classifier at each loop after using it, the memory stays ok.
So I was wondering, do the CascadeClassifier keeps data in his instance after detectMultiScale ? Well, it can be in our own code (ooh yes!), but as I don't find anything, I ask for the library too ...
Thanx a lot :)