Hi, I am new in the use of OpenCV and I have never succeded compiling the following code.
include <iostream>
include "cv.h"
// #include "cv_bis.hpp"
include "highgui.h"
using namespace cv;
int main() { //Create matrix to store image. Mat image; //initialize capture.
VideoCapture cap;
//create window to store image.
//copy webcam stream to image.
//print image screen.
//delay 33ms.
return 0;
The debugger informs that the library "lopencv_flann246.lib" is not found as shown below
ld.exe||cannot find -lopencv_flann246.lib| ||=== Build finished: 1 errors, 0 warnings ===|
The point is that I checked on my laptop and I have never found it. I tried downloading OpenCV again, but it does not change anything.
Do I actually need this library ? - If yes, where can I download this library ? - If no, how do I make the computer ignoring this research ?
I hope it is handlable,
PS: I had no idea what to put in the tags, so, I put the most relevant (I do not know what it is made for, can anyone explain me ?).
Thank you by advance,
Kind regards,