I'm trying to use OpenCV with Raspberry Pi 4, but I cannot use the code for People Counter in the PyImageSearch website ( https://www.pyimagesearch.com/2018/08/13/opencv-people-counter/) because I have PiCamera mounted vertically respect the gate of standbox. In the code, the camera can views people with an angulation of 20-30 degrees. I have PiCamera mounted with an angulation of 90 degrees.
So, I've found the Foofall package (https://github.com/WatershedArts/Footfall/) seems to be good for my scope, but unfortunately it is not more managed, so it works with OpenCV 2.4.9. But it is impossible to install on Raspberry Pi 4 (with Raspbian Buster / debian 10).
Is there some other solution in order to get a People counter that works?
Thanks for your supply.
This is the video I've made in order to test a solution: https://mega.nz/file/tYkjDRpB#EB062WcJyHDQ4rApAJYn4ObWSkHuW2YaT1NXrbFxo3o