I use OpenCV 2.4.6 to rectify my stereo system.
The parameter matrix obtained after the stereoCalibrate and stereoRectify show that my system is vertical stereo, so the epipole line are vertical.
I don't know if that change something for the stereoBM/stereoSGBM algorithms but I don't have a good disparity map. I want to know what can I do to expect to have a nice disparity map with some uniform region.
My image are high-resolution 3000x4000 and well rectify. So I cannot have a nice point cloud. (I'm using PCL pcd_viewer).
So their my result, this is an example of rectification.
And this is an example of the disparity map obtain after that, so when I use reprojectImageTo3D(), I have a pretty bad cloud that look like a prism.
So the question is: How can I use stereoBM/SGBM or what every with vertical stereo rectify image like those and get a good result on disparity map and after be able to reproject it to get the cloud ?