Hi All
I am attempting to get the ideal pinhole camera for the camera of an iPad Mini 4. I have done multiple calibration sessions using a chessboard pattern and code from: https://docs.opencv.org/master/dc/dbb/tutorial_py_calibration.html
The issue I have is the consistency. I have used up to 200 images per session. The checkerboard is detected in all of them. The resolution of the images is 3024 × 4032
I find the deviation rather large, for the same camera.
fov_deg 59.2862
fov_deg 60.6048
fov_deg 59.9288
f_x 2913.33
f_x 2907.07
f_x 2933.18
f_y 2914.59
f_y 2901.48
f_y 2930.74
c_x 1238.07
c_x 1282.58
c_x 1275.43
c_y 1605.38
c_y 1568.35
c_y 1574.36
Is this expected? Which accuracy is realistic? Am I missing something?
This data is later used for 3D reconstruction, so it should be as accurate as possible.
Looking forward to your insights
Best regards Wim