Hi, I am using docker(ubuntu 16.04) to build opencvjs. My opencv version is 4.4.0 and the emscripten version is latest. I can build opencvjs successfully but if I go into build_js directory and use 'make install',the following warning occured: /videoio/src/backend plugin.cpp:76:30: warning: unused parameter 'h'. And it will give error like following : non-void function does not return a value . I find the code is following: void* getSymbol_(LibHandle_t h, const char* symbolName) {
if defined(_WIN32)
return (void*)GetProcAddress(h, symbolName);
elif defined(__linux__) || defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__OpenBSD__) || defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__GLIBC__)
return dlsym(h, symbolName);
} But if I change elif to else(because i am using ubuntu), the error changes into:error: use of undeclared identifier 'dlsym'. Anywhere I can edit to link the dlsym?