I'm using a goodFeaturesToTrack
and calcOpticalFlowPyrLK
to stabilize video but the result has a black border, how to remove it.
sample result:
my stabilization code :
Mat VideoStab::stabilize(Mat frame_1, Mat frame_2)
cvtColor(frame_1, frame1, COLOR_BGR2GRAY);
cvtColor(frame_2, frame2, COLOR_BGR2GRAY);
int vert_border = HORIZONTAL_BORDER_CROP * frame_1.rows / frame_1.cols;
vector <Point2f> features1, features2;
vector <Point2f> goodFeatures1, goodFeatures2;
vector <uchar> status;
vector <float> err;
//Estimating the features in frame1 and frame2
goodFeaturesToTrack(frame1, features1, 200, 0.01 , 30 );
calcOpticalFlowPyrLK(frame1, frame2, features1, features2, status, err );
for(size_t i=0; i < status.size(); i++)
try {
//All the parameters scale, angle, and translation are stored in affine
affine = estimateRigidTransform(goodFeatures1, goodFeatures2, true);
// affine = affineTransform(goodFeatures1 , goodFeatures2);
if (affine.empty()) {
return frame_2;
dx = affine.at<double>(0,2);
dy = affine.at<double>(1,2);
da = atan2(affine.at<double>(1,0), affine.at<double>(0,0));
ds_x = affine.at<double>(0,0)/cos(da);
ds_y = affine.at<double>(1,1)/cos(da);
sx = ds_x;
sy = ds_y;
sum_transX += dx;
sum_transY += dy;
sum_thetha += da;
sum_scaleX += ds_x;
sum_scaleY += ds_y;
//Don't calculate the predicted state of Kalman Filter on 1st iteration
Kalman_Filter(&scaleX , &scaleY , &thetha , &transX , &transY);
diff_scaleX = scaleX - sum_scaleX;
diff_scaleY = scaleY - sum_scaleY;
diff_transX = transX - sum_transX;
diff_transY = transY - sum_transY;
diff_thetha = thetha - sum_thetha;
ds_x = ds_x + diff_scaleX;
ds_y = ds_y + diff_scaleY;
dx = dx + diff_transX;
dy = dy + diff_transY;
da = da + diff_thetha;
//Creating the smoothed parameters matrix
smoothedMat.at<double>(0,0) = sx * cos(da);
smoothedMat.at<double>(0,1) = sx * -sin(da);
smoothedMat.at<double>(1,0) = sy * sin(da);
smoothedMat.at<double>(1,1) = sy * cos(da);
smoothedMat.at<double>(0,2) = dx;
smoothedMat.at<double>(1,2) = dy;
//Uncomment if you want to see smoothed values
//Warp the new frame using the smoothed parameters
warpAffine(frame_1, smoothedFrame, smoothedMat, frame_2.size());
//Crop the smoothed frame a little to eliminate black region due to Kalman Filter
smoothedFrame = smoothedFrame(Range(vert_border, smoothedFrame.rows-vert_border), Range(HORIZONTAL_BORDER_CROP, smoothedFrame.cols-HORIZONTAL_BORDER_CROP));
resize(smoothedFrame, smoothedFrame, frame_2.size());
//Change the value of test if you want to see both unstabilized and stabilized video
Mat canvas = Mat::zeros(frame_2.rows, frame_2.cols*2+10, frame_2.type());
frame_1.copyTo(canvas(Range::all(), Range(0, smoothedFrame.cols)));
smoothedFrame.copyTo(canvas(Range::all(), Range(smoothedFrame.cols+10, smoothedFrame.cols*2+10)));
if(canvas.cols > 1920)
resize(canvas, canvas, Size(canvas.cols/2, canvas.rows/2));
imshow("before and after", canvas);
return smoothedFrame;
} catch(Exception e){
return frame_2;