I'm currently working on replicating the Canny edge detector in OpenCV. I've managed to replicate the built-in Sobel operator using a 3x3 Gaussian filter and by calculating the magnitude as a weighted sum of absolute values of Gx and Gy (L2gradient is set to FALSE when calling Canny).
Sample outputs below:
My Sobel operator after non-max
OpenCV Canny (L2gradient = FALSE)
I assume the problem is in thresholding. This is how I imagined doing it:
for (int rows = 1; rows < height-1; rows++)
for (int cols = 1; cols < width-1; cols++)
temp = custom_canny.at<uint8_t>(rows, cols);
if (temp >= THRESHOLD_HIGH) temp = 255;
else if (temp < THRESHOLD_LOW) temp = 0;
if (cannypixels[rows * width + cols - 1] >= THRESHOLD_HIGH || cannypixels[rows * width + cols + 1] >= THRESHOLD_HIGH || cannypixels[(rows - 1) * width + cols] >= THRESHOLD_HIGH || cannypixels[(rows + 1) * width + cols] >= THRESHOLD_HIGH || cannypixels[(rows + 1) * width + cols - 1] >= THRESHOLD_HIGH || cannypixels[(rows - 1) * width + cols - 1] >= THRESHOLD_HIGH || cannypixels[(rows - 1) * width + cols + 1] >= THRESHOLD_HIGH || cannypixels[(rows + 1) * width + cols + 1] >= THRESHOLD_HIGH) temp = 255;
else temp = 0;
//temp = custom_canny.at<uint8_t>(rows, cols); //255;
temp_canny.at<uint8_t>(rows, cols) = temp;
//printf("%d\t", ocv_canny_false.at<uint8_t>(rows, cols));
I'd be grateful for any ideas on what the problem might be.