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Imaging Experts Help Me

I am a hobbyist and want to implement some advanced analytics implemented by an IP Camera

In Fact i am seriously in process of developement of my own IP Camera

i am stuck at selection of processor, i am unable to select processor because of the analytics which are need to performed are not that know to me

i am new to machine learning and deep learning or opencv

few the tasks listed below

Set of Analytics : 1. region entrance -a. human enters, b. vehicle enters, region A to B / B to A.

  1. loitering - human staying for long time

  2. tripwire crossover - same as region entrance

  3. fence trespass - draw a line and some one crosses

  4. unattended baggage -not human but object newly brought to view but not been removed more than certain time

  5. stopped vehicle - a zone is drawn in which a vehicle is stopped for more than a time

  6. object removal.- a zone is drawn from which if a object is removed then it alarms

What kind of perquisites are needed for this kind of analytics

Kindly help
