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How to bundle openCV *.so files into (or single *.so file) ?


I am trying to build opencv4.1.1+opencv_contrib modules 4.1.1 with android NDK r20. Think I am almost there: went through Cmake configure/generate, compilation of shared libs 100% OK for arm64-v8a. Even install step seems to generate required resources but I am not sure of one thing:

I was used to include prebuilt, so I expected that my build would end up with that lib, but I have 46 *.so files in build output folder ? I am probably missing an option in Cmake configuration or there is something I missed completely (new to openCV build so entirely possible) ?

Thanks for your help!

click to hide/show revision 2

updated 2019-11-06 10:54:00 -0600

berak gravatar image

How to bundle openCV *.so files into (or single *.so file) ?


I am trying to build opencv4.1.1+opencv_contrib modules 4.1.1 with android NDK r20. Think I am almost there: went through Cmake configure/generate, compilation of shared libs 100% OK for arm64-v8a. Even install step seems to generate required resources but I am not sure of one thing:

I was used to include prebuilt, so I expected that my build would end up with that lib, but I have 46 *.so files in build output folder ? I am probably missing an option in Cmake configuration or there is something I missed completely (new to openCV build so entirely possible) ?

Thanks for your help!