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ld: library not found for -lopencv_xfeatures2d.4.1

enviroment: OS : MacOS HIgh Sierra version 10.13.6 Xcode : v10.1 cmake(gui) : v3.16.0-rc1 opencv : 4.1.1 opencv-contrib : 4.1.1

first, sorry for the ugly English.

I'd like to build opencv with contlib and use on xcode. And I could build with cmake gui version! after this, I configured xcode to use opencv(about header search path and Link Binary With Libraries). and I pushed Build button, and 'linker command failed with exit code 1' error is occured.

Log said, ld: library not found for -lopencv_xfeatures2d.4.1 but I configured libopencv_xfeatures2d.4.1.dylib. like this!


what's wrong? please help me if someone know about this error.

By the way, cmake didn't put header files together, so I manually put the header files together. and thtough path.