Hi, I have the left side image and I want to stretch the rows in order to obtain the right side image.
This code (from here), gives me the contours.
vector< vector<Point> > contours;
// you could also reuse img1 here
Mat mask = Mat::zeros(poseNormImg.rows, poseNormImg.cols, CV_8UC1);
// CV_FILLED fills the connected components found
drawContours(mask, contours, -1, Scalar(255), CV_FILLED);
// let's create a new image now
Mat crop(poseNormImg.rows, poseNormImg.cols, CV_8UC3);
// set background to green
// and copy the magic apple
poseNormImg.copyTo(crop, mask);
imshow("cropped", crop);
How can I stretch the image from the contours, since it is a polygon with 10 points and and not a rectangle?
Based on this question, I implemented this function , witch allow me to stretch a rectangle.
* http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7838487/executing-cvwarpperspective-for-a-fake-deskewing-on-a-set-of-cvpoint
Mat deskewing(Mat src, Point pt1, Point pt2, Point pt3, Point pt4)
vector<Point> not_a_rect_shape;
// Assemble a rotated rectangle out of that info
RotatedRect box = minAreaRect(cv::Mat(not_a_rect_shape));
std::cout << "Rotated box set to (" << box.boundingRect().x << "," << box.boundingRect().y << ") " << box.size.width << "x" << box.size.height << std::endl;
Point2f pts[4];
cv::Point2f src_vertices[3];
src_vertices[0] = pts[0];
src_vertices[1] = pts[1];
src_vertices[2] = pts[3];
Point2f dst_vertices[4];
dst_vertices[0] = Point(0, 0);
dst_vertices[1] = Point(box.boundingRect().width-1, 0); // Bug was: had mistakenly switched these 2 parameters
dst_vertices[2] = Point(0, box.boundingRect().height-1);
dst_vertices[3] = Point(box.boundingRect().width-1, box.boundingRect().height-1);
Mat warpAffineMatrix = getAffineTransform(src_vertices, dst_vertices);
cv::Mat rotated;
cv::Size size(src.cols/2/*box.boundingRect().width*/, box.boundingRect().height);
warpAffine(src, rotated, warpAffineMatrix, size, INTER_LINEAR, BORDER_CONSTANT);
return rotated;
Since I was not able to stretch the entire polygon sub matrix, I thought of decomposing the polygon in to rectangles, stretching those areas and then sum them.
Using this approach I have two problems: the rectangle area is re sized to min area and rotated.
Is this the correct approach or is there another way?
Thank you