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Problem with OpenCV and MinGW 7.3.2

Hello, I have following problem: I'm trying to use opencv in my Qt 5.13\MinGW 7.3.2 app. First I've built openCV with MinGW 5.3.2 (didn't notice that it was in default paths), my app launched, but crashed on cv::imdecode. When I've noticed mingw version mismatch between my app and opencv - I've rebuilt it with MinGW 7.3.2, but now I'm getting Procedure entry point _ZNSt6thread15_M_start_threadESt10unique_ptrINS_6_StateESt14default_deleteIS1_EEPFvvE isn't found in libopwncv_world411.dll. Also if I build opencv with Qt support my app is starting to ask for release Qt versions event if built in debug. What am I doing wrong and how it can be fiexd?

Problem with OpenCV and MinGW 7.3.2

Hello, I have following problem: I'm trying to use opencv in my Qt 5.13\MinGW 7.3.2 app. First I've built openCV with MinGW 5.3.2 (didn't notice that it was in default paths), my app launched, but crashed on cv::imdecode. When I've noticed mingw version mismatch between my app and opencv - I've rebuilt it with MinGW 7.3.2, but now I'm getting following error:

Procedure entry point _ZNSt6thread15_M_start_threadESt10unique_ptrINS_6_StateESt14default_deleteIS1_EEPFvvE isn't found in libopwncv_world411.dll.

Also if I build opencv with Qt support my app is starting to ask for release Qt versions event if built in debug. What am I doing wrong and how it can be fiexd?fixed?

UPD: tried to build opencv 3.4.7, same problem.