Here is a small code snippet that tries to search for a circles grid on a black image. I expect it to find nothing, return false and finish.
const cv::Size patternsize(6, 5);
std::vector<cv::Point2f> centers;
cv::Mat debug(100, 100, CV_8U, cv::Scalar(0));
bool detectedCircles = cv::findCirclesGrid(debug, patternsize, centers, cv::CALIB_CB_SYMMETRIC_GRID);
Instead, it triggers a cv::Exception
Tracing it back we find that it is thrown from a function filterOutliersByDensity
void CirclesGridFinder::filterOutliersByDensity(const std::vector<Point2f> &samples, std::vector<Point2f> &filteredSamples)
if (samples.empty())
CV_Error( 0, "samples is empty" );
which is to be expected asfilterOutliersByDensity
is called like so, with an empty freshly created vectors
vector as a first parameter:
bool CirclesGridFinder::findHoles()
switch (parameters.gridType)
case CirclesGridFinderParameters::SYMMETRIC_GRID:
std::vector<Point2f> vectors, filteredVectors, basis;
Graph rng(0);
computeRNG(rng, vectors);
filterOutliersByDensity(vectors, filteredVectors);
I'm running opencv 4.1.0 All related opencv functions were last changed >5 years ago. This problem arouse when I've tried to run some code that worked 2 weeks ago and that I have not touched since.
Actual questions:
how did it work and not trigger exceptions before?
why does it not work now?
how should i detect circles in an image then?
P.S.: it's my first post here and I'm very, very confused, but I hope my question is still clear. I'm happy to provide more/less detail.