As known OpenVINO can be used as backend for OpenCV-dnn module, and OpenCV-dnn module support Yolo v3 object dtection.
- OpenCV can use OpenVNIO backend:'s-Deep-Learning-Inference-Engine-backend
Intel's Deep Learning Inference Engine (DL IE) is a part of Intel® OpenVINO™ toolkit. You can use it as a computational backend for OpenCV deep learning module.
- OpenCV-dnn supports Yolo v3:
I installed OpenVINO with integretaed OpenCV-4.1.0-openvion, but there is no yolo in samples.
Also there is no yolo v3 models in zoo:
It seems that OpenCV should support Yolo v3 by using Path-2:
Does OpenCV-OpenVINO version supports Yolo v3 object detection to run on Intel VPU (Myriad X) - NCS2?