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Opencv imshow() not showing icons

# System information OS: Ubutun 16.04 Container: Yes created with singularity 3.2.1 Pylibfreenect2 installation: Installed with pip Python version: 3.7 Virtual environment: Conda Enviroment

Problem description

When running the pylibfreenect example the cv2.imshow window doesn't show icons. I also raised an issue on the repository of the pylibfreenect package but as I am not sure if the problem has to do with a missing pylibfreenect or opencv dependency I also opened a topic here.





Troubleshooting steps

I am currently looking at whether a system icon package is missing and whether this is a bug related to opencv.

What I already tried

  1. Installing opencv from different channels:
  2. pip install opencv
  3. conda install opencv
  4. conda install opencv-python

  5. Installing GTK and VTK as explained in this topic.

Opencv imshow() not showing icons

# System information OS: Ubutun 16.04 Container: Yes created with singularity 3.2.1 Pylibfreenect2 installation: Installed with pip Python version: 3.7 Virtual environment: Conda Enviroment

Problem description

When running the pylibfreenect example the cv2.imshow window doesn't show icons. I also raised an issue on the repository of the pylibfreenect package but as I am not sure if the problem has to do with a missing pylibfreenect or opencv dependency I also opened a topic here.





Troubleshooting steps

I am currently looking at whether a system icon package is missing and whether this is a bug related to opencv.

What I already tried

  1. Installing opencv from different channels:
  2. pip install opencv
  3. conda install opencv
  4. conda install opencv-python

  5. Installing GTK and VTK as explained in this topic.