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Moments have reading of 0.0 in Android Q 10.0

System information (version) OpenCV => 4.1.0 Operating System / Platform => Android Compiler => Android Studio

I am trying to get moments, but all reading reads 0.0 for all elements in the moments array. However, on Android P 9.0 and lower, I am able to get a proper reading of the same image.

Below is the log where I am trying to determine moment in an image but returns reading of 0.0 moments: Moments [ m00=0.0, m10=0.0, m01=0.0, m20=0.0, m11=0.0, m02=0.0, m30=0.0, m21=0.0, m12=0.0, m03=0.0, mu20=0.0, mu11=0.0, mu02=0.0, mu30=0.0, mu21=0.0, mu12=0.0, mu03=0.0, nu20=0.0, nu11=0.0, nu02=0.0, nu30=0.0, nu21=0.0, nu12=0.0, nu03=0.0, ]

Any assistance is appreciated. If this is a bug, then I will submit an issue on the Github repo.


Moments have reading of 0.0 in Android Q 10.0

System information (version) OpenCV => 4.1.0 Operating System / Platform => Android Compiler => Android Studio

I am trying to get moments, but all reading reads 0.0 for all elements in the moments array. However, on Android P 9.0 and lower, I am able to get a proper reading of the same image.

Code where I am using moments to find the center point in an image based on some identifying feature in the middle:

Mat imgToTest = new Mat (image.getWidth(), image.getHeight(), CvType.CV_8UC3);
        Utils.bitmapToMat(imgBitmap, imgToTest);
        Imgproc.cvtColor(imgToTest, imgToTest, Imgproc.COLOR_BGR2GRAY);
        Imgproc.threshold(imgToTest, imgToTest, 0, 20, Imgproc.THRESH_BINARY_INV);
        ArrayList<MatOfPoint> ctrsTest = new ArrayList<MatOfPoint>();
        Imgproc.findContours(imgToTest, ctrsTest, hierarchy, Imgproc.RETR_EXTERNAL, Imgproc.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);
        MatOfPoint cnt = ctrsTest.get(0);
        Moments moments = Imgproc.moments(cnt);

    Log.d(TAG, "moments: " + moments.toString());

        centroid_x = (int) (moments.get_m10() / moments.get_m00());
        centroid_y = (int) (moments.get_m01() / moments.get_m00());

Below is the log where I am trying to determine moment in an image but returns reading of 0.0 0.0

moments: Moments [ 
    m10=0.0, m01=0.0, 
    m20=0.0, m11=0.0, m02=0.0, 
    m30=0.0, m21=0.0, m12=0.0, m03=0.0, 
    mu20=0.0, mu11=0.0, mu02=0.0, 
    mu30=0.0, mu21=0.0, mu12=0.0, mu03=0.0, 
    nu20=0.0, nu11=0.0, nu02=0.0, 
    nu30=0.0, nu21=0.0, nu12=0.0, nu03=0.0, 


Any assistance is appreciated. If this is a bug, then I will submit an issue on the Github repo.
