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How to access pixels by using pointer in OpenCV C++?

 #define pc(image, x, y, c) image->imageData[(image->widthStep * y) + (image->nChannels * x) + c]

I think this is the accessing the image pixel using C pointer. Am I right? But I don't know what this code means and I don't know how to write this code in OpenCV C++.

How to access pixels by using pointer in OpenCV C++?


define pc(image, x, y, c) image->imageData[(image->widthStep * y) + (image->nChannels * x) + c]


I think this is the accessing the image pixel using C pointer. Am I right? But I don't know what this code means and I don't know how to write this code in OpenCV C++.

It was used in the following code.

void Msrcr::FilterGaussian(IplImage* img, double sigma)
    int i, j, k, source, filter_size;
    vector<int> kernel;
    IplImage* temp;
    int v1, v2, v3;

    // Reject unreasonable demands
    // 设置上限
    if ( sigma > 300 ) sigma = 300;

    // get needed filter size (enforce oddness)
    // 获取需要的滤波尺寸,且强制为奇数;
    filter_size = (int)floor(sigma*6) / 2;
    filter_size = filter_size * 2 + 1;

    // Create Kernel
    // 创建内核
    kernel = CreateFastKernel(sigma);

    temp = cvCreateImage(cvSize(img->width, img->height), img->depth, img->nChannels);

    // filter x axis
    // X轴滤波
    for (j = 0; j < temp->height; j++)
        for (i = 0; i < temp->width; i++)
            // inner loop has been unrolled
            // 内层循环已经展开
            v1 = v2 = v3 = 0;
            for (k = 0; k < filter_size; k++)
                source = i + filter_size / 2 - k;

                if (source < 0) source *= -1;
                if (source > img->width - 1) source = 2*(img->width - 1) - source;

                v1 += kernel[k] * (unsigned char)pc(img, source, j, 0);
                if (img->nChannels == 1) continue;
                v2 += kernel[k] * (unsigned char)pc(img, source, j, 1);
                v3 += kernel[k] * (unsigned char)pc(img, source, j, 2);

            // set value and move on
            pc(temp, i, j, 0) = (char)int2smallint(v1);
            if (img->nChannels == 1) continue;
            pc(temp, i, j, 1) = (char)int2smallint(v2);
            pc(temp, i, j, 2) = (char)int2smallint(v3);


    // filter y axis
    // Y轴滤波
    for (j = 0; j < img->height; j++)
        for (i = 0; i < img->width; i++)
            v1 = v2 = v3 = 0;
            for (k = 0; k < filter_size; k++)
                source = j + filter_size / 2 - k;

                if (source < 0) source *= -1;
                if (source > temp->height - 1) source = 2*(temp->height - 1) - source;

                v1 += kernel[k] * (unsigned char)pc(temp, i, source, 0);
                if (img->nChannels == 1) continue;
                v2 += kernel[k] * (unsigned char)pc(temp, i, source, 1);
                v3 += kernel[k] * (unsigned char)pc(temp, i, source, 2);

            // set value and move on
            pc(img, i, j, 0) = (char)int2smallint(v1);
            if (img->nChannels == 1) continue;
            pc(img, i, j, 1) = (char)int2smallint(v2);
            pc(img, i, j, 2) = (char)int2smallint(v3);


    cvReleaseImage( &temp );

This is the full program link of this program.

How to access pixels by using pointer in OpenCV C++?

define pc(image, x, y, c) image->imageData[(image->widthStep * y) + (image->nChannels * x) + c]

I think this is the accessing the image pixel using C pointer. Am I right? But I don't know what this code means and I don't know how to write this code in OpenCV C++.

It was used in the following code.

void Msrcr::FilterGaussian(IplImage* img, double sigma)
    int i, j, k, source, filter_size;
    vector<int> kernel;
    IplImage* temp;
    int v1, v2, v3;

    // Reject unreasonable demands
    // 设置上限
    if ( sigma > 300 ) sigma = 300;

    // get needed filter size (enforce oddness)
    // 获取需要的滤波尺寸,且强制为奇数;
    filter_size = (int)floor(sigma*6) / 2;
    filter_size = filter_size * 2 + 1;

    // Create Kernel
    // 创建内核
    kernel = CreateFastKernel(sigma);

    temp = cvCreateImage(cvSize(img->width, img->height), img->depth, img->nChannels);

    // filter x axis
    // X轴滤波
    for (j = 0; j < temp->height; j++)
        for (i = 0; i < temp->width; i++)
            // inner loop has been unrolled
            // 内层循环已经展开
            v1 = v2 = v3 = 0;
            for (k = 0; k < filter_size; k++)
                source = i + filter_size / 2 - k;

                if (source < 0) source *= -1;
                if (source > img->width - 1) source = 2*(img->width - 1) - source;

                v1 += kernel[k] * (unsigned char)pc(img, source, j, 0);
                if (img->nChannels == 1) continue;
                v2 += kernel[k] * (unsigned char)pc(img, source, j, 1);
                v3 += kernel[k] * (unsigned char)pc(img, source, j, 2);

            // set value and move on
            pc(temp, i, j, 0) = (char)int2smallint(v1);
            if (img->nChannels == 1) continue;
            pc(temp, i, j, 1) = (char)int2smallint(v2);
            pc(temp, i, j, 2) = (char)int2smallint(v3);


    // filter y axis
    // Y轴滤波
    for (j = 0; j < img->height; j++)
        for (i = 0; i < img->width; i++)
            v1 = v2 = v3 = 0;
            for (k = 0; k < filter_size; k++)
                source = j + filter_size / 2 - k;

                if (source < 0) source *= -1;
                if (source > temp->height - 1) source = 2*(temp->height - 1) - source;

                v1 += kernel[k] * (unsigned char)pc(temp, i, source, 0);
                if (img->nChannels == 1) continue;
                v2 += kernel[k] * (unsigned char)pc(temp, i, source, 1);
                v3 += kernel[k] * (unsigned char)pc(temp, i, source, 2);

            // set value and move on
            pc(img, i, j, 0) = (char)int2smallint(v1);
            if (img->nChannels == 1) continue;
            pc(img, i, j, 1) = (char)int2smallint(v2);
            pc(img, i, j, 2) = (char)int2smallint(v3);


    cvReleaseImage( &temp );

This is the full program link of this program.

How to access pixels by using pointer in OpenCV C++?

define pc(image, x, y, c) image->imageData[(image->widthStep * y) + (image->nChannels * x) + c]

I think this is the accessing the image pixel using C pointer. Am I right? But I don't know what this code means and I don't know how to write this code in OpenCV C++.

It was used in the following code.

void Msrcr::FilterGaussian(IplImage* img, double sigma)
    int i, j, k, source, filter_size;
    vector<int> kernel;
    IplImage* temp;
    int v1, v2, v3;

    // Reject unreasonable demands
    // 设置上限
    if ( sigma > 300 ) sigma = 300;

    // get needed filter size (enforce oddness)
    // 获取需要的滤波尺寸,且强制为奇数;
    filter_size = (int)floor(sigma*6) / 2;
    filter_size = filter_size * 2 + 1;

    // Create Kernel
    // 创建内核
    kernel = CreateFastKernel(sigma);

    temp = cvCreateImage(cvSize(img->width, img->height), img->depth, img->nChannels);

    // filter x axis
    // X轴滤波
    for (j = 0; j < temp->height; j++)
        for (i = 0; i < temp->width; i++)
            // inner loop has been unrolled
            // 内层循环已经展开
            v1 = v2 = v3 = 0;
            for (k = 0; k < filter_size; k++)
                source = i + filter_size / 2 - k;

                if (source < 0) source *= -1;
                if (source > img->width - 1) source = 2*(img->width - 1) - source;

                v1 += kernel[k] * (unsigned char)pc(img, source, j, 0);
                if (img->nChannels == 1) continue;
                v2 += kernel[k] * (unsigned char)pc(img, source, j, 1);
                v3 += kernel[k] * (unsigned char)pc(img, source, j, 2);

            // set value and move on
            pc(temp, i, j, 0) = (char)int2smallint(v1);
            if (img->nChannels == 1) continue;
            pc(temp, i, j, 1) = (char)int2smallint(v2);
            pc(temp, i, j, 2) = (char)int2smallint(v3);


    // filter y axis
    // Y轴滤波
    for (j = 0; j < img->height; j++)
        for (i = 0; i < img->width; i++)
            v1 = v2 = v3 = 0;
            for (k = 0; k < filter_size; k++)
                source = j + filter_size / 2 - k;

                if (source < 0) source *= -1;
                if (source > temp->height - 1) source = 2*(temp->height - 1) - source;

                v1 += kernel[k] * (unsigned char)pc(temp, i, source, 0);
                if (img->nChannels == 1) continue;
                v2 += kernel[k] * (unsigned char)pc(temp, i, source, 1);
                v3 += kernel[k] * (unsigned char)pc(temp, i, source, 2);

            // set value and move on
            pc(img, i, j, 0) = (char)int2smallint(v1);
            if (img->nChannels == 1) continue;
            pc(img, i, j, 1) = (char)int2smallint(v2);
            pc(img, i, j, 2) = (char)int2smallint(v3);


    cvReleaseImage( &temp );

This is the full program link of this program.