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How to identify if an object is placed correctly in a groove or not

I am trying to identify if an object (busbar in this case) is placed correctly in the groove of a mould or not. Please see the image for clarity.

The object circled in red is incorrectly placed, whereas the object circled in green is correct. If the problem is too generic, can you please atleast point me to the topics/apis I can use using opencv.

How to identify if an object is placed correctly in a groove or not

I am trying to identify if an object (busbar in this case) is placed correctly in the groove of a mould or not. Please see the image for clarity.

The object circled in red is incorrectly placed, whereas the object circled in green is correct. If the problem is too generic, can you please atleast point me to the topics/apis I can use using opencv.image description