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Having trouble with stereoRectify

I ran Bouguet's calibration toolbox ( on Matlab and have the parameters from the calibration (intrinsic [focal lengths and principal point offsets] and extrinsic [rotation and translations of the checkerboard with respect to the camera]). Feature coordinate points of the checkerboard on my images are also known. I want to obtain rectified images so that I can make a disparity map (for which I have the code for) from each pair of rectified images.

Here is my code:

It might be worthy to note that I did not use stereo cameras. It was just one camera, and images were taken with the camera moving relative to the scene. Is stereoRectify still applicable here?

Having trouble with stereoRectify

I ran Bouguet's calibration toolbox ( on Matlab and have the parameters from the calibration (intrinsic [focal lengths and principal point offsets] and extrinsic [rotation and translations of the checkerboard with respect to the camera]). Feature coordinate points of the checkerboard on my images are also known. I want to obtain rectified images so that I can make a disparity map (for which I have the code for) from each pair of rectified images.

Here is my code: code that keeps breaking off at the stereoRectify function, saying that there was an "unhandled exception":

It might be worthy to note that I did not use stereo cameras. It was just one camera, and images were taken with the camera moving relative to the scene. Is stereoRectify still applicable here?

click to hide/show revision 3

Having trouble with stereoRectify

I ran Bouguet's calibration toolbox ( on Matlab and have the parameters from the calibration (intrinsic [focal lengths and principal point offsets] and extrinsic [rotation and translations of the checkerboard with respect to the camera]). Feature coordinate points of the checkerboard on my images are also known. I want to obtain rectified images so that I can make a disparity map (for which I have the code for) from each pair of rectified images.

Here is my code that keeps breaking off at the stereoRectify function, saying that there was an "unhandled exception":

It might be worthy to note that I did not use stereo cameras. It was just one camera, and images were taken with the camera moving relative to the scene. Is stereoRectify still applicable here?