Hi! I'm trying to use HOGDescriptor class to get the points of an image and after this use SMV to classify them.
The main problem for me is that if I just do this:
vector<Point> encontrados(50);
HOGDescriptor hog;
"encontrados" doesn't have anything.
I think that it may be caused by my images size. They are 40x40 and the default parameters of HOGDescriptor are 64x128. So I tried to declare it before with parameters this way:
Size win_size=Size(40, 40);
HOGDescriptor hog(win_size);
But my program crash: error: no matching function for call to ‘cv::HOGDescriptor::HOGDescriptor(cv::Size&)’|
According to http://docs.opencv.org/modules/gpu/doc/object_detection.html?highlight=hog#gpu::HOGDescriptor this error have no sense.
Can anyone help me? What I'm doing bad? Thanks in advance.