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asked 2013-09-09 04:23:09 -0600

berak gravatar image

ConDensation algo

i've been trying to come up with a 2.0 replacement for the old ConDensation algorithm that went into legacy, based on [tom sgouros patch] (

his main approach there seems to be to re-weight the random distribution in every step according to the sample-ranges, instead of keeping it fixed like in the original code.

trying this, i found, that the prediction still gets unstable, when the measurement stays still, does not change any more.

my "fix" for that was to pull the measurement into the random-distribution code, make the particles congeal, when we actually reached the target, but i have some bad feelings about it. is this the right way ? how should condension behave at all at that point ?

looking for ideas / comments on how to address the stability problem here.

if you feel like trying the original legacy code, here's a demo

the 'offending' piece of code is this (from ConDensation::updateByTime()):

if ( 0 ) // Tom's modification
    // This line may not be strictly necessary, but it prevents
    // the particles from congealing into a single particle in the
    // event of a poor choice of fitness (weighting) function.
    diff = max(diff, 0.02f * newSamples(0,d));
} else {  // my approach:
    // Rule 1 : reaching the target is the goal here, right ? 
    // * if we lost it         : swarm out  
    // * if target was reached : hog it .
    diff = min(diff, flocking * (measure(d) - newSamples(0,d)));

and here's the whole wall of code (337 lines, love it or leave it):

#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/core/utility.hpp>

using namespace cv;

class ConDensation 

    //! All Matrices interfaced here are expected to have dp cols, and are float.
    ConDensation( int dp, int numSamples, float flocking=0.9f );

    //! Reset. call at least once before correct()
    void initSampleSet( const Mat & lowerBound, const Mat & upperBound, const Mat & dyna=Mat() );

    //! Update the state and return prediction.
    const Mat & correct( const Mat & measurement );

    //! Access single samples(read only).
    int   sampleCount()       { return samples.rows; }
    float sample(int j,int i) { return samples(j,i); }


    int DP;                      //! Sample dimension
    int numSamples;              //! Number of the Samples                 
    float flocking;              //! flocking/congealing factor
    Mat_<float> range;           //! Scaling factor for correction, the upper bound from the orig. samples
    Mat_<float> dynamMatr;       //! Matrix of the linear Dynamics system  
    Mat_<float> samples;         //! Arr of the Sample Vectors             
    Mat_<float> newSamples;      //! Temporary array of the Sample Vectors 
    Mat_<float> confidence;      //! Confidence for each Sample            
    Mat_<float> cumulative;      //! Cumulative confidence                 
    Mat_<float> randomSample;    //! RandomVector to update sample set     
    Mat_<float> state;           //! Predicted state vector
    Mat_<float> mean;            //! Internal mean vector
    Mat_<float> measure;         //! Cached measurement vector

    struct Rand                  //! CvRandState replacement
        RNG r;
        float lo, hi;
        Rand(float l=0.0f,float h=1.0f) { set(getTickCount(),l,h); }
        void set(int64 s=0, float l=0.0f, float h=1.0f) { r.state=s; lo=l; hi=h;}
        float uni() { return r.uniform(lo,hi); }
    std::vector<Rand> rng;       //! One rng for each dimension.

    void updateByTime();

ConDensation::ConDensation( int dp, int numSamples,float flocking )
    : DP(dp)
    , numSamples(numSamples)
    , flocking(flocking)
    , rng(DP)

void ConDensation::initSampleSet( const Mat &lower, const Mat & upper, const Mat & dyna )
    CV_Assert( (lower.type()==CV_32FC1) && (upper.type()==CV_32FC1) );
    CV_Assert( (lower.cols==DP) && (upper.cols==DP) );
    CV_Assert( (lower.rows==1) && (upper.rows==1) );
    range = upper; // cache for reuse in correct()

    // dyna might be empty (then we'll use an identity matrix), or a DP x DP x float transformation mat
    CV_Assert( dyna.empty() || ((dyna.rows==DP) && (dyna.rows==DP) && (dyna.type()==CV_32FC1)) );
    dynamMatr    = dyna.empty() ? Mat_<float>::eye(DP,DP) : dyna;

    cumulative   = Mat_<float>::zeros(numSamples,1);
    samples      = Mat_<float>::zeros(numSamples,DP);
    newSamples   = Mat_<float>::zeros(numSamples,DP);
    randomSample = Mat_<float>::zeros(1,DP);
    state        = Mat_<float>::zeros(1,DP);
    mean         = Mat_<float>::zeros(1,DP);
    confidence   = Mat_<float>( numSamples, 1, 1.f / numSamples );

    for( int d=0; d<DP; d++ )
    // Generating the samples 
    for( int s=0; s<numSamples; s++ )
        for( int d=0; d<DP; d++ )
            samples(s,d) = rng[d].uni();

void ConDensation::updateByTime()
    // Calculating the Mean 
    float sum = 0.0f;
    for( int s=0; s<numSamples; s++ )
        state = samples.row(s) * confidence(s);
        mean += state;
        sum  += confidence(s);
        cumulative(s) = sum;

    // Taking the new state vector from transformation of mean by dynamics matrix 
    mean /= sum;
    state = mean * dynamMatr;
    //sum  /= numSamples;
    // Initialize the random number generator.
    RNG rngUp(getTickCount());

    // We want a record of the span of the particle distribution. 
    // The resampled distribution is dependent on this quantity.
    std::vector<float> sampleMax(DP,FLT_MIN), sampleMin(DP,FLT_MAX);
    // Updating the set of random samples 
    // The algorithm of the original code always picked the last
    // sample, so was not really a weighted random re-sample.  It
    // wasn't really random, either, due to careless seeding of the
    // random number generation.

    // This version resamples according to the weights calculated by
    // the calling program and tries to be more consistent about
    // seeding the random number generator more carefully.
    for( int s=0; s<numSamples; s++ )
        // Choose a random number between 0 and the sum of the particles' weights.
        float randNumber = rngUp.uniform(0.0f,sum);

        // Use that random number to choose one of the particles.
        int j = 0;
        while( (cumulative(j) <= randNumber) && (j<numSamples-1))
        //while( (cumulative(j) <= (float) s * sum) && (j<numSamples-1))

        // Keep track of the max and min of the sample particles.
        // We'll use that to calculate the size of the distribution.
        for (int d=0; d<DP; d++) 
            newSamples(s,d) = samples(j,d); 
            sampleMax[d] = max(sampleMax[d], newSamples(s,d));
            sampleMin[d] = min(sampleMin[d], newSamples(s,d));

    // Reinitializes the structures to update samples randomly 
    for(int d=0; d<DP; d++)
        float diff = flocking * (sampleMax[d] - sampleMin[d]);

        if ( 0 )
            // This line may not be strictly necessary, but it prevents
            // the particles from congealing into a single particle in the
            // event of a poor choice of fitness (weighting) function.
            diff = max(diff, 0.02f * newSamples(0,d));
        } else {
            // Rule 1 : reaching the target is the goal here, right ? 
            // * if we lost it         : swarm out  
            // * if target was reached : hog it .
            diff = min(diff, flocking * (measure(d) - newSamples(0,d)));

        // Re-seed and set the limits to the geometric extent of the distribution.
        // extra spin on the electronic roulette.(sic)
    // Adding the random-generated vector to every projected vector in sample set
    for( int s=0; s<numSamples; s++ )
        Mat_<float> r = newSamples.row(s) * dynamMatr;
        for( int d=0; d<DP; d++ )
            samples(s,d) = r(d)+ rng[d].uni();

//! adjust confidence based on euclidean distance and return predicted state
const Mat & ConDensation::correct( const Mat & measurement ) 
    measure = measurement;
    for (int s = 0; s < numSamples; s++) 
        double dist = 0;
        for( int d=0; d<DP; d++ )
            float diff = (measure(d) - samples(s,d))/range(d);
            dist += diff*diff;
        confidence(s) = float(exp(-100.0f * sqrt(dist/(DP*DP))));
    return state;

//---8<--------------usage test------------------------------------------------

#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void drawCross( Mat & img, Point center, Scalar color, int d ) {
  line( img, cv::Point( center.x - d, center.y - d ),           
    cv::Point( center.x + d, center.y + d ), color, 2, LINE_AA, 0); 
  line( img, cv::Point( center.x + d, center.y - d ),           
    cv::Point( center.x - d, center.y + d ), color, 2, LINE_AA, 0 );

struct mouse_info_struct { 
    int x,y; 
} mouse_info = {-1,-1}, last_mouse;

std::vector<cv::Point> mouseV, particleV;
int counter = -1;

// Define this to proceed one click at a time.
//#define CLICK 1

void on_mouse(int event, int x, int y, int flags, void* param) {
#ifdef CLICK
    if (event == EVENT_LBUTTONUP) 
        last_mouse = mouse_info;
        mouse_info.x = x;
        mouse_info.y = y;
        counter = 0;

int main (int argc, char * const argv[]) 
    int DP = 2;
    int nParticles = 62;
    float xRange = 650.0f;
    float flocking = 0.9f;
    float minRange[] = { 0.0f,0.0f };
    float maxRange[] = { xRange, xRange };
    Mat_<float> LB(1,DP, minRange);
    Mat_<float> UB(1,DP, maxRange);
    Mat_<float> measurement(1,DP); 
    Mat_<float> dyna(Mat_<float>::eye(2,2));

    ConDensation condens(DP, nParticles);

    cv::Mat img(int(xRange), int(xRange), CV_8UC3);
    cv::namedWindow("mouse particle");
    cv::setMouseCallback("mouse particle", on_mouse, 0);

    char code = (char)-1;

        if (mouse_info.x < 0 || mouse_info.y < 0) 
            imshow("mouse particle", img);

        condens.initSampleSet( LB, UB, dyna );


            code = (char)cv::waitKey(30);
            if( code > 0 )

            #ifdef CLICK
            if (counter++ > 0) {

            measurement(0) = float(mouse_info.x);
            measurement(1) = float(mouse_info.y);

            cv::Point measPt(mouse_info.x,mouse_info.y);

            // Clear screen
            img = cv::Scalar::all(60);

            // Update and get prediction:
            const Mat_<float> & pred = condens.correct(measurement);

            cv::Point2f statePt(pred(0), pred(1));

            #ifdef PLOT_PARTICLES
            for (int s=0; s<condens.sampleCount(); s++) {
                cv::Point2f partPt(condens.sample(s,0), condens.sample(s,1));
                drawCross(img, partPt, cv::Scalar(255,90,(int)(s * 255.0/(float)condens.sampleCount())), 2);

            for (size_t i = 0; i < mouseV.size() - 1; i++) {
                line(img, mouseV[i], mouseV[i+1], cv::Scalar(255,255,0), 1);
            for (size_t i = 0; i < particleV.size() - 1; i++) {
                line(img, particleV[i], particleV[i+1], cv::Scalar(0,255,0), 1);
            drawCross( img, statePt, cv::Scalar(255,255,255), 5 );
            drawCross( img, measPt,  cv::Scalar(0,0,255), 5 );

            imshow( "mouse particle", img );

        if( code == 27 || code == 'q' || code == 'Q' )

    return 0;