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Parameters of cv::SVDecomp


what are the parameters w, u, vt of cv::SVDecomp(src, w, u, vt) in comparison to Matlab's

[U,S,V] = svd(src);

I need the submatrices for further calculations that I already have given in Matlab. Can I directly translate w to U, u to S and vt to V. It seems like they are having varying Matrix sizes. I did not find further explanations on the SVDecomp function (e.g. here: documentation)

Parameters of cv::SVDecomp


what are the parameters w, u, vt of cv::SVDecomp(src, w, u, vt) in comparison to Matlab's

[U,S,V] = svd(src);

I need the submatrices for further calculations that I already have given in Matlab. Can I directly translate w to U, u to S and vt to V. It seems like they are having varying Matrix sizes. I did not find further explanations on the SVDecomp function (e.g. here: documentation)

I tried more stuff. I have the src matrix of size 27x27. In Matlab I get as result for the sizes U(27x27), S(27x18), V(18x18) which solves the SVD equation src=USV'

In OpenCV I open the same matrix src(27x27) and I get as result with cv::SVD::FULL_UV:
w(1x18), u(18x18), vt(27x27) which does not solve the equation. I am quite confused right now, what is going on in openCV SVD.

Parameters of cv::SVDecomp


what are the parameters w, u, vt of cv::SVDecomp(src, w, u, vt) in comparison to Matlab's

[U,S,V] = svd(src);

I need the submatrices for further calculations that I already have given in Matlab. Can I directly translate w to U, u to S and vt to V. It seems like they are having varying Matrix sizes. I did not find further explanations on the SVDecomp function (e.g. here: documentation)

I tried more stuff. I have the src matrix of size 27x27. 27x18 (edited): In Matlab I get as result for the sizes U(27x27), S(27x18), V(18x18) which solves the SVD equation src=USV'

In OpenCV I open the same matrix src(27x27) and I get as result with cv::SVD::FULL_UV:
w(1x18), u(18x18), vt(27x27) which does not solve the equation. I am quite confused right now, what is going on in openCV SVD.

Parameters of cv::SVDecomp


what are the parameters w, u, vt of cv::SVDecomp(src, w, u, vt) in comparison to Matlab's

[U,S,V] = svd(src);

I need the submatrices for further calculations that I already have given in Matlab. Can I directly translate w to U, u to S and vt to V. It seems like they are having varying Matrix sizes. I did not find further explanations on the SVDecomp function (e.g. here: documentation)

I tried more stuff. I have the src matrix of size 27x18 (edited): In Matlab I get as result for the sizes U(27x27), S(27x18), V(18x18) which solves the SVD equation src=USV'

In OpenCV I open the same matrix src(27x27) src(27x18) and I get as result with cv::SVD::FULL_UV:
w(1x18), u(18x18), vt(27x27) which does not solve the equation. I am quite confused right now, what is going on in openCV SVD.