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Real-Time video stabilization OpenCV

I've searched a function in OpenCV (cv::videostab), that would allow me to do video stabilization in Real-Time. But as I understand in OpenCV this is not yet available. So TwoPassStabilizer(OnePassStabilizer) require a whole video at once and not two consecutive frames.

Ptr<VideoFileSource> source = makePtr<VideoFileSource>(inputPath); //it's whole video
TwoPassStabilizer *twopassStabilizer = new TwoPassStabilizer();

So I have to do this without the OpenCV video stabilization class. This is true?

Real-Time video stabilization OpenCV

I've searched a function in OpenCV (cv::videostab), that would allow me to do video stabilization in Real-Time. But as I understand in OpenCV this is not yet available. So TwoPassStabilizer(OnePassStabilizer) require a whole video at once and not two consecutive frames.

Ptr<VideoFileSource> source = makePtr<VideoFileSource>(inputPath); //it's whole video
TwoPassStabilizer *twopassStabilizer = new TwoPassStabilizer();

So I have to do this without the OpenCV video stabilization class. This is true?