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Doubt with disparity values from stereo image

If I have a single flat object held parallel to my stereo camera plane. Would the disparity values be same across the image (ideal case) or values shift as we move from center of the image towards either of the edge?

Doubt with disparity values from stereo image

If I have a single flat object held parallel to my stereo camera plane. Would Given nature of pinhole camera, would the disparity values be same across the image (ideal case) or values shift as we move from center of the image towards either of the edge?

Doubt with disparity values from stereo image

If I have a single flat object held parallel to my stereo camera plane. Given nature of pinhole camera, would the disparity values be same across the image (ideal case) or values shift as we move from center of the image towards either of the edge?

image description

Doubt with disparity values from stereo image

If I have a single flat object held parallel to my stereo camera plane. Given nature of pinhole camera, would the disparity values be same across the image (ideal case) or values shift as we move from center of the image towards either of the edge?

image description

Doubt with disparity values from stereo image

If I have a single flat object held parallel to my stereo camera plane. Given nature of pinhole camera, would the disparity values be same across the image (ideal case) or values shift as we move from center of the image towards either of the edge?

image description

Doubt with disparity values from stereo image

If I have a single flat object held parallel to my stereo camera plane. Given nature of pinhole camera, would the disparity values be same across the image (ideal case) or values shift as we move from center of the image towards either of the edge?

Doubt with disparity values from stereo image

If I have a single flat object held parallel to my stereo camera plane. Given nature of pinhole camera, would the disparity values be same across the image (ideal case) or values shift as we move from center of the image towards either of the edge?


Doubt with disparity values from stereo image

If I have a single flat object held parallel to my stereo camera plane. Given nature of pinhole camera, would the disparity values be same across the image (ideal case) or values shift as we move from center of the image towards either of the edge?
