On trying to run detection network from prototxt and caffemodel in opencv, I am running into the below issue. The net is created as expected and the input blob is of the right dimension but on trying to access the output of the net, I run into the issue given below;
The code is
String modelConfiguration = "D:/test_SSH.prototxt";
String modelBinary = "D:/SSH.caffemodel";
dnn::Net net = readNetFromCaffe(modelConfiguration, modelBinary);
Mat imgOrig = imread("path/to/img");
resize(imgOrig, imgOrig, Size(224, 224));
Mat inBlob = blobFromImage(imgOrig, 1, Size(224, 224), Scalar::all(0), false, false);
net.setInput(inBlob, "data");
Mat out = net.forward();
Any help or suggestion to solve this issue is greatly appreciated. Thanks!